Next Gen Cyber Security Shield from Single Platform

LTS Secure Cyber Defender 360 :
Managed 24*7 cyber threats, advance attack and vulnerability detection & prevention from all the layers. Single solution for cyber infra such as endpoint, network, servers and cloud, and applications.

Our Managed Security Service Deliverables

Managed XRD for end point protection, Log Management for log archivable,  SIEM for threats exposure

Threats Incident Monitoring, Reporting with Remediation steps: Attacks, Ransomware,risks, etc.

Cyber Security Insurance Cover to Protect You from Unforeseen Losses incase of a Cyber Breach


Cyber Security Risk and data protection Assessment based on Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience circulars


Internal & External Penetration Testing of the Network & Public Facing Applications with corrective recommendations


Review of firewall rules, configurationsand settings. Vulnerability assessment and patchmanagement execution in coordination with the IT team.

Also Covering Cyber Insurance*

LTS Secure Cyber Defender 360 MXDR Modules

M-XDR suite is a SaaS-based modular system that includes SIEM, EDR, VMDR, Log Management, Cloud Security & EDR as on-demand modules where you can detect and Protect IT, networks, Desktop / End Points, Cloud & users from cyber threats




Why LTS Secure Managed XDR?

0 %
Reduction in business continuity risk
0 %
Reduction in the false positive
0 %
Faster detection and response
0 %
Better visibility into the threats
0 %
Improvement in the automation
0 %
Reduction in the cost for an audit
0 %
Saving of cost with the fast ROI
0 %
More efficient in SOC operations

Protect Your Institution Amidst Unpredictable Attacks!

LTS Secure Cyber Defender 360 provides continuous 24/7 monitoring and rapid response to security incidents for SMBs. Our security experts actively monitor your network, endpoints, logs, and other security tools to detect threats and anomalies in real-time. You Cyber Defense is our Responsibility


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